We got a surprise in the mail today.....

There was a package from the agency and I figured it was more paperwork. But to my surprise it was 4 disposable cameras from our fostermom. The pictures were of Meredith before we visited and through Christmas.
Apparently I didn't leave enough cameras oh well she'll be home in two weeks anyway.

I have added a slide show at the bottom of this page. Scroll down to the bottom and check out the pictures. Some are old and some are from today's surprise.



Kim said…
I'm so glad you got the disposable cameras back. We treasure the pictures we have of Alex from when he was with his FM. She is just too cute!!!
Susan said…
What a treasure and wonderful surprise. Can you believe it is less than 2 weeks! I look forward to meeting you at the embassy!

CreekerMom said…
Wow! What a wonderful Surprise!!!
The pics are great, it is amazing to see how much she has grown. Keeping you, Todd, Meredith & her FM in our prayers as things come to and end for her FM but it is a new beginning for you, Todd and Meredith as a family!


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