Lists, Lists, and more Lists

That's what my days are consisting of these days. List of things I need to pack, lists of things I need to buy, List of chores I need to do around the house, List of sites to see and gifts I want to buy while in Guatemala, and lists of task I need to finish at work before I leave.

I'm proud to say that I've crossed of several items this week from my chores list.
I have the adoption announcements ready to mail, the lawn service is coming Saturday to clean up the yard, and you can actually see the floor in Meredith's room. I'm almost finished packing mine and Meredith's suitcases. It's kinda hard to pack the stuff you use everyday...



Susan said…
I am right there with you on the lists. So much to still get done. I can't believe you have the announcements ready to go out. I have mine designed but waiting to take a new picture.

See you in Guatemala!
CreekerMom said…
WOW! are you on vacation yet? you are quite the busy mom already!

IF you need help let me know, if you need me to do any shopping or getting things for your lists, let me know, I will be glad to be of use!

Kim said…
Anonymous said…
Hang in there, these lists will all come together. I am just so happy that you are finally going to go get her and bring her home. If I can help in any way, let me know.

Aunt Lib
Anonymous said…
It is so nice to see someone bringing a baby home! My daughter will be one on May 1 and I am STILL in pgn.
Anonymous said…
So nice to see that someone is going to pick up their baby! My daughter will be one on May 1 and I'm still in pgn. Best of luck!


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