What happens next???

That is the million dollar question. Our attorney is submitting our case to the civil registry on Monday or Tuesday. This is the agency that will update Meredith's birth certificate with Morris Seales or just Seales for her last name. In many Hispanic countries the baby is given the mother maiden name and the fathers last name. So we'll just have to wait and see when we received the paperwork. Right now it is taking 10 working days to get the new birth certificate.

Then the attorney will apply for Meredith's passport and that usually takes a few hours, and Meredith will have one last doctor's appointment with an US embassy approved doctor. Once the Dr appt is over and the passport is picked up, everything must be translated back into English.

The final adoption decree, passport, and Dr report are submitted to the US Embassy and right now they are taking 6 working days to set the appointment. So we are really looking at the last week in March as our pick up date. There is a huge bankers convention in Guatemala March 18-21 so the embassy won't schedule any appointments those days.

Here is one of the very blurry pictures from this week's medical update.

Don't worry much better pictures will be posted very soon.


Andrea said…
I am sure everyone will understand your request. Still praying for you!
CreekerMom said…
Veronica and Todd, I am SOO excited that you will soon be going to bring Meredith back home with you!

I am wondering that after a month or so when you know she has adjusted maybe you could hold an open house type thing were people could just come by and say Hello and meet your sweet angel. I think EVERYONE will and should understand, I think that everyone is just so excited for both of you. But you 3 need time to be a family and she does need that time to adjust or she will be overwhelmed.

We all might need to think of you 3 "on vacation' at first this way you will have the time that you need and also you have been waiting a long time to hold her yourself. :)

So glad the journey is almost over for you guys and soon she will be forever yours.

Keeping you both in prayer that things keep moving along according to God's perfect will.

Kim said…
You're smart to take it easy with visitors and such. Each baby adjusts in their own way. Alex adjusted pretty easily/quickly - but we still took it slow with visitors.

I can't wait to see the PINK post!! :)
Ellie said…
The count down is on.... THE REAL COUNT DOWN... I am so excited for you!

I completely understand your request, I was the same way, and it worked. Only my next door neightbor came over, and promised she would leave in 5 minutes, but other than that, we had 3 weeks before the crowd! It was a little bumpy, but wouldn't have changed it for the world!


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