What else can I say. Apparently the US Embassy is taking an extra look at every ones file now due to the recent incident that happened with a baby being smuggled in. So our attorney was told to come back next Thursday and pick up the pink slip.
We don't know what to say, except we are devastated that we have yet another week to endure before we know when Meredtih can come home.

Anyone want to ready about this incident you can go to:


Andrea said…
I am so sorry!
Mindy said…
I am so so sorry for your PINK delays. I know how hard it is to wait for PINK and I would be devestated as well. I hope that good news come very soon for you!
Anonymous said…
There are even more reasons to why the US Embassy is scrutinizing our paperwork even more.

Meredith's dad
Rebecca said…

I really don't think we will have to wait until Thursday. Pam got hers in one week and I think we will that will be Tuesday. I'm praying and praying....ready for that date! Hang in there sister! We'll be there before you know it! I'm so excited that we are going to be there at the same time!!! Hugs, Rebecca

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