More good news today!!!

Just heard from the agency that we were submitted to the Civil Registry yesterday. What that means is that we have applied for Meredith's birth certificate to be amended. This could take anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks. Looks like right now we won't travel till 1st or 2nd week of April. We are playing beat the clock right now, the 1st week of April is Holy Week and they tend to take several days off that week. So we may get to celebrate Becky's birthday in Guatemala.

We'll keep you posted.


CreekerMom said…
WOW!!! How exciting! Praying and hoping that it will be there only for 5 days till it gets amended!
Wow! That means it also looks like you might be spending Easter together as a family!
Whooo Hooo!

Thrilled for the both of you!

Anonymous said…
Great news. We are so excited. Uncle Chester says he has a feeling that you will get her this month. I hope he is right. Keep us posted. That would be a great birthday celebration for Becky.

Love & Hugs
Aunt Lib
geoppinger said…
I am so happy for you! It is amazing the difference a year makes! We came home with our little Maelynn Holy Saturday. What an awesome journey! I am so glad things are moving forward and quickly for you now.

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