Leaving on a Jet Plane!!!!

That's right the time has come, well almost. Todd and I fly out Sunday morning and should be in Guatemala around noon their time.
Once I get home tonight at midnight(working Archivers tonight) I'll put the very last stuff in the suitcases and get them ready to load in the truck.
Tomorrow is equally as busy as today, Todd and I are both working tomorrow and won't have time to do much of anything. Gizmo is going to the kennel in the morning, let just say his digs are as good as ours in Guatemala. PetSuites is posh, they have 2 room townhouses with toddler beds and a private TV in each that plays the animal planet 24/7, this is a far cry from where Gizzy has stayed before, no more cat room for you little buddy.
Todd and I will have to be in bed by 9 pm Saturday night, we will have to be up at 3:15 in order to make it to the airport by 5, WOW very early.

But we can't wait to get there, three of my friends have already checked in and they are waiting for us to get there. I spoke to them via phone Thursday night.
We will be taking my laptop with us but are unsure if we can get it hooked up properly, so we may have to rely on the hotel computers if they are available. We will try to email when we get there because with the expense and unreliable phone service we will not be calling home.

Meredith is being brought over Monday morning at 10. So please be thinking about us this coming week. I will try to post to the blog if possible.


geoppinger said…
I'll be thinking of your joyous day of meeting your daughter. Prayers for a safe journey,
Anonymous said…
Wow finally! I know you are thrilled too death. Praying that your journey will be safe, and that your bonding time with Meredith will be everything you have dreamed of.
Aunt Lib

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