Hola from Guatemala!!!!!

Yep we made it with only a couple minor problems. First we left Louisville 15 minutes late, and when we landed in Houston we had to wait on the Jet way for 15 minutes so they could clear our ramp. So Todd and I made it to our connections with 6 minutes to spare. YIKES!!
Secondly, one of our suitcases must have got caught on a conveyor belt or something, one of the corners was punctured and the back was partially ripped off. We are not sure what fell out, but I'm sure we'll figure it out when we go get something that isn't there. OH well with the short amount of time between planes, we're lucky that all 4 bags made it.

The Marriott is great, the people here are so helpful, all we have to do is ask. Last night Todd and I had a wonderful pizza, possible the best we've ever had, and they brought us chocolate ice cream for dessert. Our room has a great view of the city, but most importantly it has a view of the BIG McDonalds that is next door to the hotel. We plan to send the concierge out today for a Big Mac and Chicken Nuggets. The only complaint we have is that the bed is very hard, but I guess that didn't matter because we took a 3 hour nap yesterday and slept for 7 hours last night. I guess we were too tired to care.

Right now it is 5:30 here or 7:30 Louisville time. Todd and I are both to excited to sleep.

As we were checking into our room, Rebecca from North Carolina ran over to meet us, I'm so glad that we finally get to meet in person. Keely from Arizona and Meridith from Illinois are here too with their babies. It's wonderful to be here with people I know and have talked to.

Well I guess that is all for now, we are getting ready to go down breakfast, Meredith will be here by 10 Guatemala time, Noon for you guys in Kentucky.


CreekerMom said…
So glad you made it there all in one piece or pieces should i say. Hopefully you aren't missing anything important.
It's good to know the hotel you are staying in seems so accommodating and friendly that always makes for a nicer visit. :)

Hopefully you all will get a good nights rest so you can enjoy your fun filled day tomorrow.


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