Happy Happy Joy Joy

Today was a good news day. Our attorney went to the US Embassy and picked up our Pre-Approval. That means we will be submitted to PGN this week.
Lets all hope and pray for a nice PGN reviewer and that they don't find any mis-spelled words or anything else to kick us out for. Let's hope for a short 3 week stay in PGN, more realistic is 6 weeks, but there is always a chance.

Todd and I leave at 7:10am on Sunday for our trip to Guatemala. I probably won't update the blog again until after we get back unless I can get access to the computers in the Hotel lounge.


CreekerMom said…
WOW that time FLEW! I am so happy that all is working out perfectly! :)

I will be keeping you and Todd in prayer for this most joyous time in your lives as you meet your daughter.

If you need anything in the mean time give me a buzz :)
I sure hope that you will have access while you are there....so we can have an update... it will seem like forever waiting to hear from you!

Take care and get some rest the time will soon be here that you will be boarding the plane!

Thinking of you both,
That is awesome news. Have fun in GC.

Mackenzie's Forever Family

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