Moving right along....

Today's weekly report from Guatemala stated that our social worker report is complete and the only thing our attorney is waiting on is the authenticated DNA results and Embassy Pre Approval and we can be submitted to PGN. I've asked our advocate if we would be submitted into PGN by the time we get there and he said the chances are very good.

As for PGN it is a crap shoot. I'd have better luck picking the lottery numbers than guessing when we will get our of PGN. The time line for PGN runs from 3 weeks to over 6 months. I know people at both end of this spectrum. So we'll just keep our fingers crossed that we are one of the 3 week families.

As for the countdown we are at 12 days. Todd and I have to get busy packing this week, we are both going to be very busy this week and next with Archivers and a Horse Show at the expo center.

Several of you have asked if we have everything we need for our trip and as of right now we don't think so. I'm off tonight so Todd and I will sit down and go through everything and double check our lists, but I think we have everything for Meredith covered. I've had to go buy bigger suitcases, the ones we had were not big enough hehehehe, can we say packing everything except the kitchen sink? Good thing about our hotel is that if we need anything all we have to do is ask and the hotel will send someone out for it.

As for Todd and me, well we'll find room for clothes somewhere hehehe. I've told my friend Rebecca to not be offended when I answer the door in my Mickey Mouse PJ's. :)


Anonymous said…
What exciting news! Sounds like things are on the downhill swing. I am so glad that you get to go visit Meredith and have some bonding time. (Guess that means I will not see you at Glendale this year?) More important things to do and I totally understand. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help with your trip. I do have a request, give Meredith a big kiss from Aunt Lib.

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