Sounds like we have a good eater on our hands....

We received the 1 month doctor visit report today and Meredith has gained almost 4 lbs in a month. She has also grown 3 inches. Her stats are 9lbs, 20.07inches long. She also received a bunch of shots. No photos came with this update.

As for mommy and daddy, our week has been challenging. I've been sick with the stomach flu since Tuesday morning, pair that with not sleeping and I feel like a real winner. Todd on the other hand is the best "honey will you get me" guy I know. He calls it good practice for later on.

Our paperwork is now complete and has been received back at the agency from the Guatemalan Consulate in DC. Our agency will send everything down to Guatemala on Thursday for translation into Spanish and then we are off and running. We are trying to pin down when we could visit if we want to or should I say can. Airplane tickets are expensive!!!!

Oh well everything will work out. Talk to you soon.



Anonymous said…
Glad to get an update. I have been checking every day. Yes, I believe she is eating good. Get ready for the many trips to the grocery.

Sorry you have not been feeling well. Get better!

Aunt Lib
CreekerMom said…
Oh Veronica, praying you will be back to yourself real soon.
So glad you got an update!

She IS growing!

Kudos to Todd for being a real gem!


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