Monthly update for all Guatemala families.

I hope everyone is doing great and are having a good summer. I will
start sending a monthly update to keep everyone inform of what is
going on at AHH and also pass on information about referrals.

I would like to encourage everyone that is "paper chasing" to work
quickly. If you are waiting on your Home Study to let us know when
that is done and sent of to CIS. Also do not forget we need an
authenticated copy for your Dossier.

If you have a referral and your child's DNA has been done and
pre-approval received, please contact us before you plan a visit so
that we can consult with Cinthya about dates. Keep in mind she also
needs to get rest and on Saturdays and Sundays it is very hard
sometimes to deliver babies to the Hotel so it might not happen. To
avoid disappointments plan trips on a week day.

For those of you who have been waiting to get out of PGN the waiting
has become long but I want to let you know that if we or Cinthya
(attorney in GUA) had any way of getting you out fast it would be done.
Families are getting out of PGN slowly but surely. Attorney's in
Guatemala to include Cinthya have been getting together to see
if they can get cases moving quicker, so far nothing has changed and
the PGN Director is just signing a few everyday. Lately we have all
seen a lot of things posted in different web site be careful with what
you read sometimes it is not accurate and most of the time it is made up.

Congratulations to those of you with your blessings in arms. If you
have not started with re-adoption here in the US it is a good idea to
start thinking about it. Some States do not require it but it can be
of benefit in the future. The most obvious benefit that I have seen
is a state issued birth certificate. Having done dossier paper work
you know how important an original birth certificate that has been
issue with a date stamped and/or live signature is, also it has to be
issue that particular year, so was it helpful to be able to just call
Vital Statistics office to get one? You will probably need a birth
certificate for a school, insurance, passport and many other things.
So won't it be reassuring to know that you can easily replace it or get one if you had to.

June Update Information

Babies Home in 2006 19

Babies Home in June 2

Referrals for June Boys 1 Girls 5

Total Families with referrals 35

DNA and/or Family court 21

PGN 11

Out of PGN in June 1

Waiting on Pink 1

Waiting list

Girls 5
Boys 1

Parent Education Requirements: Due to state licensing requirements,
AHH is now requiring all families who applied to AHH after January 1,
2006 to provide proof that their parent education credits have been
earned before they receive their referral/before they travel. A
Completion Certificate will be issued to each family, and it signifies
their final adoption approval. This Completion Certificate will be
awarded once all of your credits have been earned and approved by
Traci Andis, our Parent Education Coordinator. All credits earned
outside of AHH must be documented with a certificate from the
supervising agency. As a reminder, for Kentucky and Texas clients you must have: "Abroad and Back" or "Eyes Wide Open;"
"Medical Risks;" infant and child "CPR;" and 10 additional family
credits that you earn by watching DVDs, reading books, or attending a
seminar or support group. For clients from the remaining states you
must have: "Eyes Wide Open," and 10 additional family credits that can
be earned by watching DVDs, reading books, or attending a seminar or support group.
Special need clients have a different program that requires the > following no matter what state you reside in: "Abroad and Back" or "Eyes Wide Open;"
"Medical Risks;" infant and child "CPR;" 10 family credits that you
earn by watching DVDs, reading books, or attending a seminar or
support group; and 4 additional family credits specific to the special
need of the child you are adopting. Please contact your family
advocate with any questions you may have about this.

Care Packages Unfortunately we will no longer be able to send care
packages for the children to Guatemala it is very expensive to send
and also taxes on the gifts have to be paid, if you have questions or
concerns about this please let us know. You can send a package on
your own if you wish, I will be glad to give you Cinthya's mailing address to send it to.

AHH Picnic review: AHH's 2006 Reunion Picnic was a great success.
The brunch with Cinthya Vallejo was great and many families attended.
Philip and I would like to thank everyone for making Cinthya and Ana
Maria (Cinthya's assistant) feel welcome. You can see pictures and
get more information at the AHH web site.

I will have another update next month, if there is something you would
like to see in the updates please make suggestions.

Maria and Philip
Your family advocates


CreekerMom said…
So glad you got an update! *whew* I was checking everyday :)
Keeping you both in prayer and so the waiting continues as does your test of patience.
So glad that you at least got paired up with Meredith already.
Praying somehow Meredith's journey isn't as long as most and that she soon will be in her mommy and daddy's arms.


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