Busy Busy Weekend..
Well Todd and I have had a very busy weekend. Ever since we found out that Meredith is here we've been going in overdrive. As you can see we finished up the nursery this weekend. We will put the changing table together sometime this week, the crib was challenge enough for one day. Oh and the border (that one piece deal didn't work too good Becky). Oh and Todd says if he sees one more thing Hello Kitty, he's going to hurl. hahaha But anyway the room is painted, the border hung, and the crib is put together. The only thing that's missing is Meredith!!! We haven't heard anything else since Tuesday, I'll try to get some more information this week, but it's doubtful that the agency will know anything new. They said we would get our next round of pictures in about 5 weeks.

I love how you made it 2 tone the colors are so girly :)and the nursery looks so inviting....
Although the crib might have been a challenge it all comes as a rite of passage.
I don't know how you can wait 5 wks for an update, I am going crazy checking the site every other day! LOL
We are so excited for you both!
Aunt Lib
Georgia Bulldog outfit for her!!
I'm not checking daily....but I'm checking. Looking forward to new pictures! Cindy