And let the battle begin!!!

These picutres speak for themself.

Uncle Brians idea of a good team.

Daddy's idea of a good team.

I wonder which one Meredith will pick??? Oh and Todd wants to know where he can find some Chicago Cubs gear for her??? Thanks Aunt Becca for the cute outfits even though Todd says she can't wear this one, don't worry I'll sneak and let her.

No new update just yet. We will post information as soon as we get it. We are sending down a care package this week.


Anonymous said…
Okay...I commented on the wrong day. Looks like this is where I need to add the Georgia Bulldog outfit or maybe an Atlanta Braves one. Can't wait to see more pictures!! Cindy
Anonymous said…
Hahaha. Aunt Becca and Uncle Brian knows she will cheer for the Reds!!!!!! Next we will have to find a UK outfit for her.
geoppinger said…
-Robin in Cincinnati
Anonymous said…
She can cheer for both--The Reds for baseball and The Cards for basketball and football!

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