Wierd Coincidence!

Todd and I have run across a wierd coincidence. We were putting together a box of stuff to send to Meredith and we were going through the little sleepers we bought and low and behold we have the exact same one that she is wearing in this picture. What are the chances of that???

We won't have any other information on her or new pictures for 5-6 weeks so keep checking back.


CreekerMom said…
WOW That has to be a blessing long before she even arrived!

Anonymous said…
That is really a coincidence, but you can also look at it as an affirmation that this is truly meant to be. God is at work making all things work together - even down to Meredith's outfits. I've been showing her picture to everyone I see. I'm really excited for you all. Keep us posted.

Great Aunt Lib

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