June 1st update

Happy June everyone...I can't believe it's June again already, I guess that means that Todd and I will be celebrating the 1st anniversary of our 30th birthday next week. BLAH

As for the process we are still chugging along. We were informed yesterday by the agency that we have been moved to another family advocate. Due to the increase in the number of families wanting to adopt from Guatemala they had to hire someone new. So we are now with Philip, I spoke with him yesterday to review some of our documents and he's really nice and knowledgeable. As for the paperwork we are moving right along. There was only a couple of things that Denise notarized for us that need correction, these are the easy fixes. As for the reference letters we've learned that some things don't translate into Spanish as we mean them here in the US. Can you believe that Scrapbooking translates into collect of trash?!?!?!
So I've had the ladies work on their letters and now Philip says they are all ok.

Todd and I have to get our TB skin test on Tuesday and the medical portion is done. All back-ground checks have come back and no problems there.
The only thing we are waiting on is the return of our Passports and then everything will be ready for the Secretary of States office for authentication and then on the the Guatemalan Consulate for translation. Then we begin the wait, which we know will be tough, but probably easier than stressing about this paperwork.

We're still gathering stuff for the yard sale which is in 2 weeks, the basement is really filling up with lots of great items. Thanks to everyone that has donated items for us to sell. Other adoptive families I've talked to have said that Yard Sales are the best fundraisers.


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