
Yep that's what we made this weekend with our Yard Sale.
Thanks a million to everyone that donated items and to Dianna and Holly for helping me run the yard sale, I couldn't have done it without you two.

As for the process:
On Wednesday we went to the FBI office and had our fingerprints done. Did you guys know they don't use the black ink and paper now, it's all on a computer scanner.... Anyway after that we met with our family advocates in Lexington, Philip and Maria. We turned in the last of our paperwork and Kristen was there also to turn in our homestudy. The only thing Todd and I are waiting for is our passports which should be here this week!!! Philip and Maria also said that as soon as we get those they will get the ball rolling. So hurry up mister postman!!!!!

This coming Saturday June 24th is the AHH reunion picnic in Lexington. After much debate I've decided to attend without Todd(Dew Action Sports Tour). Many of the families that I've been in contact with said they went before they had their little one too. So Rebecca and I will be heading over and then do some shopping afterward!!!!
The attorney from Guatemala will be there to meet us all and to bring updated pictures for all the families that are already paired up with their children. We did find out more about the foster care down there. The foster moms have to have a lot of training by out attorney's office before they can care for the children, they start out with one baby and work their way up to two. There is never more than two babies in a foster home. Once we've accepted our referral we can send clothing, blanket, toys, etc down to her and the foster mom. Apparently they love Oil of Olay and Aveeno lotions???

Todd and I went to the Build A Bear workshop on Saturday afternoon, they were introducing Hello Kitty to their store. Thanks Valerie and Rita for sending me the email alerts. OH and Todd really thanks you, he just loves build a bear, not.
But anyway Meredith has a Hello Kitty waiting for her that plays a lullaby, if I don't mail it down to here after she is born :).


CreekerMom said…
Veronica, things have been so hectic here and I am so sad that I didn't get to bring my things over for the yard sale... Are you going to do another before summer is over?
I am so glad you got to go to Build A Bear :)
Todd best get used to doing that girly stuff :) LOL
You are just prepping him for what is to come. LOL
Wait till Meredith wants to dress him up like a baby or have a tea party or play house.. He will get in touch with his feminine side.. or pretend he has one for the sake of his daughter..* just teasing Todd*

I am so thrilled you were both blessed with making the amount you have!

God Bless the both of you!


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