Happy Saturday

I have an update for everyone.

Todd and I are officially finished with the home study, it has been reviewed by the head social worker at the agency and it is ready to be signed off on. Todd and I will receive a final copy when we get there on Wendesday.

We are also finished with all of the Dossier documents. We received the last reference letter and our medical forms yesterday. They will be notarized before we go on Wednesday.
That will leave the passports which should be here in the next 10 days. Once those get here everything is ready to go to the secretary of State and then on to the Guatemalan Consulate for authentication (not sure what that is, probably another notary type stamp), but anyway there is nothing left for Todd and I to do. YAH!!!!!!

We have really flown through this paperwork stage. Everyone I've talked to say it took them 2-4 months to get their paper work ready. Todd and I are right at 6 weeks.

I've talked to Philip this week from the agency and we discussed the wait time and how long getting the paper work authenticated takes. He said that it takes about 3 weeks to get the paperwork back from the Secretary of State and the Consulate, and he said it goes to Guatemala within 24 hours of him getting it back from those agency's. He said that right now there is one other family on the list for a little girl and the time it is taking right now to get a referral (picture of our baby) is running 2-3 weeks from receipt of our paperwork in Guatemala. What that means is that 2-3 weeks after our paper work is received by our attorney in Guatemala our baby should be born and a picture sent up to us along with medical information. Once the picture and medical report gets here we have 5 working days to accept or decline the referral.

After we accept the adoption finalization process begins. The finalization process can take anywhere from 3-6 months. Our baby will live in a foster home during that time, with Todd and I getting regular updates on her. We could fly down to see her as often as we like, but I don't think I could go down for a few days and not bring her back, so we probaly won't visit.

Now this time frame is likely to change at anytime, and to be honest Todd and I thought the wait time to get a referral was 2-3 months not weeks. So we are keeping our fingers crossed and we will know more certain time frames after our paperwork is received in Guatemala.
But if it is 2-3 weeks Todd and I have to step things up a bit, like finishing the nursery and other planning that needs to be done.

We made our first trip to Babies R Us today to look at cribs and other items. SO it's time to get excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's all pray for good weather for the yard sale next Friday and Saturday. Also pray that we make some money to go towards the adoption fund.


Fatcat said…
Congratulations! We are in the homestudy process for a China adoption.

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