What have we been up to this week????

Let's start with Sunday. You can definitely tell that Todd and I are first time parents. We went to the Zoo on Sunday and it was Earth Day. Admission was only $1 each, so we figured if we didn't get to stay too long we wouldn't have spent a whole lot of money. Well neither of us was ready for the crowd. We chugged along anyway and stayed about 2 hours. Meredith took it in stride just riding around in her stroller looking at the people more than the animals. I keep asking myself, what is the world could be going through her mind right now?

I'm sure she is wondering where all the Spanish speaking people went and the honking hours and fast drivers!!!!

Monday we went to the mall and Toy's R Us. Meredith was the perfect angel at both she loves to ride around in the truck and her stroller.

My mom came back on Tuesday to help me out, which I am very thankful for. Meredith still will not let Todd do anything for her, which is hard on me sometimes. We are hoping it gets better so that I can get some work done next week. My dad also came on Tuesday and he cleaned up the front yard while Todd mowed the back.

Meredith, myself, and my mom went out shopping again on Wednesday. We went to O'Charley's for lunch and Meredith spent most of her time eavesdropping on the guys conversation at the next table, what a flirt. Then it was off to Valu City and the Jefferson Mall.

Meredith is kinda stuffed up right now in her nose. It really bugs her at night and she won't sleep by herself in her crib or pack and play, so we are sharing a bed in the basement. She will head to the doctor next week for the first time here in the states. Plus next week we are going to the derby parade if it doesn't rain, Mickey Mouse is the grand Marshall this year!!!!


Kim said…
Hey - Alex and I are planning on going to the Derby Parade also - do you want to try to hook up??

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