The time is almost here.

YES YES YES. Finally! I am having so much trouble concentrating on my work, but I have to get it done. Yesterday we installed the car seat in the truck, well we think we installed it correctly, I guess we will find out next week. Tonight I plan to unpack and repack our suitcases just to make sure I have everything.

Poor Rebecca is having such a hard time down there in Guatemala. She had a really bad day yesterday trying to get Zachary's final paperwork ready. Yesterday was the final doctors appointment to get medical clearance to leave the country and no one from the agency or FM showed up to take her. So she had non of Zach's docmuments and she didn't know where the doctors office was!!! After some stern words with the attorney's office they finally worked it out.

She finally arrived only a little late and guess who showed up for her final appointment too???

Meredith passed her medical exam too and the doctor congratulated Marina on being such a wonderful Foster Mom. Meredith now weighs 20lbs.


Susan said…
What a great surprise to get pictures from Rebecca. Meredith looks so happy and healthy! Just a few short days to go!

geoppinger said…
I am so excited for you! I love the countdown. I check for updates every day and was so happy to see a posting. I hope you are able to update in while traveling. I know you will be juggling a lot more. Congratulations!

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