Hola from Guatemala!!!!

Yes Yes I know it has been three days, but they have been very eventful days.
We got here on Friday about 11:30 local time, got checked into the very nice Westin hotel.
Meredith arrived at 3:30 that day. This was a very emotional time for everyone and there were lots of tears shed.
Once we got Meredith back up to the room the screaming began. She screamed for 4 hours straight. We were dealing with some serious seperation issues. We finally got her to sleep but only laying on one of us. At about 1:30 she was awake and in a better mood and wanted to play. After a quick bottle she was back off to sleep but only laying on top of us.

We have figured out she does not like bottles, only likes to drink out of cups and glasses. Loves soda and whip cream. Hey what it takes to make her happy is what we will do. Formula is another thing she will not take, hates it. So we have been giving her skim milk.

Yesterday we went to the pool she didn't like that much but we will try again later today and tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the Embassy appointment we will be leaving the hotel about 6:30 am via taxi, this should be fun...

We went back to the mall today and bought a few cute outfits and soda, man on man Soda is VERY expensive here in the hotel. We bought 2 six packs last night in on of the shops and it cost $20, but they sure taste good!!!

OK OK so what you all have been waiting for here are a few pictures from the last 3 days. I'll try to create a new slide show so keep checking the bottom of the blog page.


Kim said…
I'm so glad you made it down there safely. The Embassy appointment is a piece of cake. Love the pictures!!
Anonymous said…
Praise The Lord! Praise The Lord!

Wow --- you've almost made it Meredith. You've had an incredible journey, but you're almost on your way home.

There's no doubt you are loved -- and you will learn to understand that the love your Mommy and Daddy have for you is more than you can ever imagine.

Good Luck, God Bless, and God Speed. Louisville is a great place to be!

Have a safe trip and we will see you soon!

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