Home 2 days

Just wanted to let everyone know that we are doing great!!!! Meredith is adjusting nicely. Last night she slept 12 hours, then took another 2 hour nap. She has played and laughed all day, we went outside and raked some grass and she just sit there and took it all in. She is eating very well, we have put her on 2% milk, she will not have anything to do with formula and she loved Juicy Juice.

We have been asked when will be ready for visitors and with the way that Meredith has adjusted to her new surrounding we have decided to let anyone come over that wants too. We are playing everything by ear and taking clues from her. She will let us know if she doesn't want to go to someone. Just give us a call.


Kim said…
I'm so happy for you guys!! We are supposed to go to the LFC get together this afternoon, but Alex isn't quite feeling right. We need to get the kids together soon!!
Rebecca said…
Hi!! Hope things are great with you guys!!! We are doing great. We've been with my family all week. Everyone is just crazy about Zachary...imagine that?! ;-)) I am sure you guys are staying busy. I am really tired. Zachary is sleeping great but I have other things on my mind and I'm not sleeping so great. Anyway, we are heading back to Charlotte tomorrow so I'm looking forward to some normalcy and a little routine. ;-)))

Give Meredith hugs and kisses from us. Love, Rebecca and Zachary

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