We are IN!!!

I just got the call from the agency. We are officially in PGN with a log in date of today 12/20/06. So we now sit and wait some more but we are getting really close. Let's all pray for a nice reviewer and hope that after the Christmas/New Year holiday they come back ready to work work work, and release cases everyday.

We also need to pray for no Previos or kick outs. My friend Rebecca received a kick out this week for a document filed in the wrong place in her file, this is a very minor kick out and she is already back in PGN.
Another one of my friends got out of PGN last week after being in 11 1/2 weeks she had one kick out just like Rebecca. So if that's how long it is taking it looks like March or April will be Meredith's homecoming, although no one really know it's in the hand of our PGN reviewer and the PGN director.


Kim said…
Wonderful news!! I'm so happy. The countdown now begins. Hey - I was at the mall yesterday and went into "your" store. It's very nice. There is defininely everything in there that one would need!
Anonymous said…
Great news! We will just pray that all the papers are in perfect order, and that things will move along rapidly. Maybe you will be one of the lucky ones and make it in six weeks or less. Hope so.

Aunt Lib
CreekerMom said…
Veronica and Todd
WE are so very thrilled for the both of you!
So glad that prayers are being answered and things are moving along!

Keeping you both and the circumstances in our thoughts and prayers.

geoppinger said…
How exciting! Your daughter is beautiful! My thoughts and prayers and with you and your new family this holiday season. Have you heard the Third Day song Merry Christmas? It is where we were with Maelynn this time last year. So close and so far away about a family hanging their stocking knowing thier little girl was in an orphanage somewhere in China. I can't listen to it without crying. This year we are teaching her to say Ho Ho Ho. Just think of what it will be like for you in a year.
Merry Wishes!!!
Michelle Smiles said…
Great news! Congrats!

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