Thank you very much secret blog pal!!!!!

I love it when the mail man delivers something other than bills haha.

I've signed up to have a secret blog pal and I got a gift in the mail today from mine.

I sure wish I was in her state right now, she's from Florida, my favorite place to vacation.

Anyway here is what I got yyyiipppeeee!!!!

A set of stamps for the scrapbooker in me.

A reminder with a goal to bring Meredith home, I totally agree Valentines day would be great.

A CD with loads of music for Meredith, it has my fav "The wheels on the bus", LOVE THAT ONE.

And a frame ornament with a picture of our angel for our tree.

Thank you so much for my gifts I truly love each and everyone one. It has really brightened my day.


Anonymous said…
I'm glad it made you smiled! I wanted to send before we left on Wed for our visit trip. Enjoy!

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