Has it really been 3 months????

That's the question I've been asking myself the past couple of days. It is hard to believe that we brought Meredith home 3 months ago, man how time flies.
So you may be asking what's new with the Seales family. Well, I went back to work in the office full time on July 4th, it sucks by the way, I never knew how nice it was to work in my PJ's. Todd is gearing up for his busy season, State Fair, Quartet Convention, Rodeo, & Farm Machinery Show. Busy busy busy, oh well we like the paycheck he brings home.
Meredith started going to the daycare last week and it has been challenging, but each day is getting better. She hasn't cried when we dropped her off the last few days. She is now crawling and boy o boy can she MOVE! She can also pull herself up to stand, so we know it will only be a matter of time before she is off and running. She can say dada, mama, dora, pizza, who is it, and dog.

Well that's all I have for now, it's almost time to quit for the day.

I promise new pictures very soon!!


keelstar said…
Meredith is so adorable! I cannot wait to see new pics! I can't believe you've been home for 3 months already! We just hit our 8 week mark on Tuesday!! Time really goes by fast! It feels like Savannah has been home with us forever!
Anonymous said…
Wow Veronica 3 months already!
We want to come meet your little one. Please call us or email and let us know when it is convenient.
We don't have to stay long.... :)

She is such a beautiful little girl!

Anonymous said…
Veronica and Thodius, She is beautiful! She seems to be blossoming right in front of your eyes. May God continue to bless your family!

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