Days 2 and 3 at the daycare...

Day two went pretty good. She didn't cry when Todd dropped her off, but when she saw me there to pick her up she started crying. Not sure if she just realized we were gone or that she didn't want to leave?
She also came home on day 2 with a cold. I aggravated Todd all night counting the times Meredith sneezed. I got up to 25 and quit. I don't know if Meredith had sneezed 25 times since we brought her home.
Needless to say the sleep was in limited supply that night because her nose was stuffy and she couldn't breath when she laid down.

Day 3 Meredith got up with a nose running like a faucet. We were afraid that they wouldn't let her stay if they saw she was sick, but they did. I handed her off to Ms. Liz and she cried and reached for me. But as soon as I walked away she was fine. I picked her up during nap time and she was the only one not napping. She still couldn't breath out of her nose when she laid down.
We got home and took some medicine and she went to bed at 7:30 and slept off and on for the rest of the night.

Todd dropped her off today and he said she cried when he handed her over but was fine after he left her sight.

So we'll see how she feels today when I go pick her up.....stay tuned....


Kim said…
Welcome to what I call, "daycare nose." If she's anything like Alex, it won't stop. Alex has had something - cold, ear infection, stomach virus at least twice a month since starting daycare. It's amazing what they pick up. Everyone tells me that this means that he won't be sick when he starts school. :)

I hope she had a good day today.

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