What's in store for the weekend??????

Well I've made it through my rather crappy week. But as many people have said it is time to move on and not dwell on what happened. Easier said than done, but I will do my best. So I had planned on doing some major house cleaning after we got out of PGN, because I know once we get home there will be lots of visitors and I will not have time to clean. Since my PGN dream was busted this week I decided to go ahead and start on my list. So what is on this weeks agenda???? BATHROOM MAKEOVER!!!!! Take a look at this sad Ocean blue bathroom, OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! I can't believe that Todd and I put up with it for a year and a half. So the time has come to bid the ocean bathroom GOODBYE!!!! When asking Todd what color he would like me to paint this room he said anything but PINK. hehehe We already have 2 pink rooms in our house so I figured I'd spare him a pink bathroom. But that's all I'm saying for now, you'll just have to wait till the after pictures.

One good thing did come out of this weeks updates. Rebecca is indeed on the directors desk and she "should" get out sometime in the coming week. YYYIIIPPPPEEE!!!!! Zachary will be coming home. He's a cutie and we've already decided that he and Meredith are to be married when they are old enough. I think we agreed that 30 was old enough hehehehe. We caught them holding hands when we were down in Guatemala.
I have added links to their newly formed blogs in the sidebar to the right.


Andrea said…
That's the cutest thing I've ever seen! Just so you'll feel better about yourself, I am doing my housework and crying the whole time!!! It is certainly easier said than done to "move on."

We're going into week eight!!!! I have accepted the fact that I am crazy. I am okay with it now. I am going out to buy my little man an Easter outfit today! HOPEFULLY WE'LL BE HOME BY THEN!!!!

Happy painting!
Andrea said…
I started a new blog just now. I am a MAJOR rookie!! Hopefully it will become more interesting as I learn to do more!

Rebecca said…

I LOVE our blog! You are so creative and everything is just perfect. I worked on mine adding pics last night. It was fun!!

I'm working on a bathroom project too. I have already painted my master bathroom almost half-way, I just have to finish it. Then I'm going to go back and put a faux finish on it. It will be fun but I have to really get motivated to do it. I am also trying to sweet-talk Mike in to helping me replace the floor with ceramic tile. He's so good with stuff like that. It's a big bathroom so it's quite the undertaking. ;-)) I'll keep you posted. Oh come on and tell me what color are you going to paint yours?? HUGS, Rebecca
Anonymous said…


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