Jet set weekend...

Happy Monday everyone. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, I sure did.
This weekend was girls weekend out. I flew to St. Louis and spent the weekend with Rebecca and Bethany. We had a wonderful time, shopping, eating, scrabble, eating, playing, oh and more eating.
Thank you very much Fred and Bethany for letting us invade your house for the weekend. Also thanks Bethany for showing me the business.

Today was a GREAT day for Rebecca. When she got home today she got "the call" from Philip and she is out of PGN as of today. YYYYIIIPPPPEEEE Rebecca. Hurry up and go get Zachary!!!

Todd and I are also hoping that this is our week to get out of PGN too, fingers crossed...


Rebecca said…
I had a wonderful time with you guys this weekend too!!! We need to do it again soon! I continue to pray for you and Todd. I am SO SO SO hoping that you escape PGN with NO kickouts. I'm pulling for you guys!! PLEASE SENIOR BARRIOS!! PLEASE LET BABY MEREDITH OUT OF PGN WITH NO PREVIOS!!!!! Love and Hugs, Rebecca and Zachary
Andrea said…
Sounds like ya'll had a wonderful time!! That's great! I know you guys needed it!

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