Medical Update 10/18/06

Here is the latest medical update on Meredith. She now weighs 14lbs and is 24 inches tall. The doctors appointment was on 10/18/06, but we are not sure what day these pictures were taken.

One of these pictures she does not look like a happy camper, but the other 2 are good.


CreekerMom said…
WOW, I have been checking everyday :)
So glad you got an update!

Meredith is growing fast I can't believe that she is already 14lbs!

She is so cute. She kind of looks sleepy in the second picture. She looks very healthy.

Anonymous said…
Wow, what a big girl! She is really growing. Glad you finally got an update. She is a cutie!! Hopefully it won't be much longer.

Aunt Lib

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