Ok here's what happening or better yet, what's not happening.....

I know I haven't posted much about our case since we returned from Guatemala. Reason being we haven't had good news to report.

During our visit we received daily updates from the attorney's office. One day something was said about a letter needed for PGN explaining why we had two POA's in our file. But she wasn't too sure about this and the attorney was on vacation the week we were down there. So when we get home we got in contact with our state side advocate and he say that the attorney went to submit our case into PGN and they immediately kicked it out due to the two power of attorney's in our file. This is the first time our attorney has been asked to complete this letter so we get to be the guinea pigs. This all happened two weeks ago today, we were told that the letter would be written and authenticated by today. Well yesterday we received a call from our advocates supervisor and she said that the letter has been written and it is being reviewed by the US Embassy and PGN, once they say it is ok she will submit it for authentications so it can become a legal document.

So it doesn't look like we will be in PGN for another 2 weeks. We have been paper ready to enter PGN for 4 weeks now, add another 2 weeks onto that and we could have been in and out of PGN under normal circumstances. So that's all we have to report now, this is very hard being so close yet so far from the end. We are still hoping for a January come home date, but that is just our estimate, the agency says we will be lucky is she is home by end of April. We do not believe this statement, along with several other things we have been told by them. (That's all I'll say about them right now.)

So as Todd and I are doing, everyone pray real hard that we get a nice PGN review and we are in and out really quick.

Here is our timeline thus far:

Signed with agency 04/27/06
Completed Homestudy and Dossier 06/15/06
It's a Girl 06/21/06
Accepted Referral and sent in POA 06/27/06
Dossier to GUA 07/27/06
Re-do POA line not long enough 08/16/06
Application for DNA authorization 08/23/06
DNA authorizaton granted 09/01/06
DNA test performed 09/07/06
Social Worker Interview 09/07/06
DNA is a match 09/15/06
Social Worker Report 10/09/06
Pre-approval received 10/13/06
Amazing visit trip 10/22-10/26
Waiting to enter PGN for 4 weeks now (PGN requesting letter explaining why 2 POA exsist in our case file)


Anonymous said…
My goodness, all the red tape. You are in my prayers, and my Sunday School class has you on their prayer lists also. Hopefully, it won't be too much longer.

Love you,
Aunt Lib
CreekerMom said…
Don't get discouraged Veronica & Todd,
Remember God IS IN control. ((hugs))

keeping you both in prayer.


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