OK the saga continues

We did hear from the agency today and we do have to send in a 3rd Power of Attorney, well this one is a modification explanation to the first 2. We did learn today that the problem with the first POA had nothing to do with the line not being long enough as we were told. In fact they had written Meredith's given name incorrectly. If they had taken the time to explain this issue in the second POA we completed, we would not be in this mess right now.
So we all know how long it takes to get a document authenticated here in the US, 3 weeks.

Well that is if the agency handles the document for us, I've decided to take matters into my own hands and I will be heading to the county clerks office tomorrow, the Secretary of States office on Thursday and sending out the POA via FEDEX to the Guatemalan Embassy in Washington DC Thursday afternoon. I've already called the Embassy and talked to the head lady and she said that she would turn it around in 24-48 hours.

Our attorney tried everything she could in order to avoid having to involve us with this, but PGN has reviewed the letter I was sent today and agree that it will fix the problem. So what else can we do. We just want her HOME!


Anonymous said…
So sorry you all are having to deal with these hassles! Just hope and pray that your phone calls and visits to the authorities will be just the thing to expedite this adoption. We want Meredith home also. Hang in there. If we can help, let us know.

Uncle Chester & Aunt Lib
geoppinger said…
My sympathies are with you. I am so sorry this is happening! It is a difficult struggle with all the red tape and bureaucracy. I know that well. Feel free to email me at L00RXL@yahoo.com. I would love to chat with you.

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