What we did over our Memorial Day holiday....

As you an see from the picture, Todd and I began painting the nursery today. Actually we started yesterday with primer, this room was a bright, bright, bright yellow, Yuck!!!! At first we didn't think the primer would cover it, but once it dried you could barely see the yellow. So today we decided to put up some of the colored paint to see if we like the choices we made, well the choices I made that is. HaHa
The middle photo is what we hope we have when we get finished. I LOVE this Hello Kitty bedding!!!!!!!!!!
And yes that is me painting!!!!!!!
I remember too we had pepto Pink as I called it and had to primer it twice so that we could paint Madison's nursery a light shade of green.
The nursery is looking great!
* I forgot to add my name sorry so I deleted the last one**
Aunt Lib