
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Welcome to our blog.
Todd and I are in the beginning stages of an international adoption. We are presently meeting with our social worker and have one more meeting to go. So far the paperwork has been exhausting, but we both know that is will be well worth it in the end. We are glad that we chose to adopt from Guatemala, because the wait time from other countries are getting longer and longer. Right now the wait from start to finish for Guatemala is around 10-12 months. Todd and I will update everyone on our progress through this blog so check back often.
A friend from work used this blog service when she went to China this spring to pick up her daughter and she would update everyday while she was in China, it was great being able to track their progress and be up to date on all the happenings while they were away.We too plan to do that when we travel, our trip will be far less than hers, we should be gone no more than 3-4 days.


geoppinger said…
Veronica and Todd,
Congratulations! I am so excited for you. And you are right, it is well worth the wait. Maelynn is doing great and adjusting better than expected. Good Luck!
CreekerMom said…
Veronica and Todd,
We too are very excited for both of you. Praying God will keep the process moving along without further delay. :)
I also think it is a GREAT way to keep everyone updated and for us to continue to keep you both in our prayers.

As one friend who adopted says:
All children come from God, for some the journey home just takes a little longer....

Can't wait till you bring your blessing home.

Anonymous said…
Veronica & Todd,
Thanks for keeping us updated. This is neat. We are so excited for you all, and pray that things will go smoothly and quickly. All the paperwork and waiting will be worth it once you have the little one with you.
Love you,
Uncle Chester & Aunt Liz

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