2 posts in one day...oh my

Hold your hats folks, I'm actually updating the blog!!!!!

Today we have 2 entries.

Todd was off today for Veterans Day and he went over to visit.

The show is in town this week giving a home make over to the Hughes Family.

This family has a really special story. The son, Patrick was born without eyes and could not straighten his arms and legs. He plays trumpet for the UofL marching band and his dad pushes him on the field during performances.

Anyway here are some pics from Todd's adventure.

This is one of the shows designers Equardo, he came over during filming takes to have photo's made.

Now for the second entry. We have been visiting Southeast Christian Church for the past couple of weeks and here is Meredith waiting to go yesterday in her very cute romper.

Be sure to visit the Baby Wooley Site too.



Anonymous said…
Theres more pics and info about the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition at http://www.eliteextremedream.com
Anonymous said…
My how Meredith is growing. She just looks so much more grown up since we last saw her. It has been way too long. We need a Meredith fix. Cute pictures.

Aunt Lib
Creekermom said…
She is looking more like a Toddler for sure.:)
I am excited with the upcoming holidays for all of you this being your FIRST Christmas together. :)

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