Yes Yes I know it has been a long time since I posted!!!!!

And I'm sorry to all those out there in blog land that follow our page. Things have been really busy the last month or so. The new job is going great, very busy after the merger and everything.
Meredith is doing great, we just had our 6 month post placement meeting with the social worker. I can't believe that Meredith has been home 6 months.

Meredith started walking last Friday, I have included a few pictures at the bottom.

Last weekend was papaw's 60th birthday party and we had a fish fry down at the farm. Meredith had a good time running around the yard.

Mamaw and Meredith(with her purse) asking Papaw for her allowance.

The Morris, Seales, Wooley family.

The first day we got to put Meredith's hair up in PonyTails.
Meredith sliding down the slide at the Morris Reunion, she loves to slide and swing!!!


Susan said…
Can you believe it has been 6 months since we met in Guatemala? Meredeth is adorable. Evvy just started walking too. No stopping these girls now!

Katie said…
what a cutie !!!

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