Strawberries, Mini Blinds and Gas Grills

Yeah I know that's a silly title, but I didn't know what else to name it.
As many if not all of you know June in the Seales house is BIRTHDAY month. We all celebrate our birthdays in June, mine was the 9th, Todd's is tomorrow the 13th, and Meredith's is next week on the 21st. So we just party all month.
For my birthday Todd and I spent the day doing whatever "I" wanted to do hehehehe. After we met Meredith's chauffeur we headed to Huber's Orchard to pick Strawberries. We had a fun time, we love going to Hubers to pick Strawberries, Apples, and Peaches!!! After we left the orchard we went to Caesars Riverboat and played the one armed bandit for a little while. Don't worry I only lost $8. We were more interested in eating the buffet, but it wasn't as good as it was in the past, so that was kind of a dud. Later that night we went to the movies to see Shrek the Third, that is one funny movie.

As my birthday was coming to an end we decided that we needed to hang new mini blinds in the bedrooms to make them darker. It is so hard to sleep in there during the summer when the sun comes up at 6!!! So we bought one and tried it out and guess what the room is also cooler now and the AC isn't running as much, whhhooohoooo save money.

Tomorrow is Todd's birthday but we won't get to do much. He has to work and I do too. So well just wait till Sunday and celebrate both his birthday and Fathers Day.

And Meredith's birthday is next Thursday, we are having her parties next Saturday and Sunday, I can't wait it will be so much fun!!!

What did I get from Todd and Meredith for my b-day??? "see below"
What did Meredith and I get Todd? "see below"
What did we get Meredith? That's a secret, you'll have to wait till after the parties to find out.

Here are a few pictures from the past week.

Daddy right after his big surprise!!! OH he was so surprised!!! I said hey why don't we grill out tonight, so he went out with the lighter ready to light it up and there sat a new grill!!!

My beautiful new ring!!! Kinda blurry I know. It is a birthstone ring lucky me we all have the same birthstone hehehehehe.

OK mom let's do laudry.
Gizzy your not supposed to be in the tub!!!


Anonymous said…
Those are good pictures...
Presents all around. I love the ring. Did the food taste better on the new grill????

I had a great time with my girl this weekend....

Aunt Becca
Susan said…
Sounds like you are all settling in great. Happy birthday to you all!

Susan & Evvy

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