Meredith's 2 Boo-Boo's

One band aid was a Crayon the other was Spongebob.

Well lets just say that today was a very upsetting day. We had an appointment with our second pediatrician yesterday and we feel much better about this one. He said that Meredith looked very healthy and was progressing very nicely. He did order lab work, but no where near as many test as the first doctor wanted to do. And we will not be repeating vaccinations unless the test show that they didn't take, unlike the first doctor who wanted to start that day with brand new shots without even waiting for the results. Our new doctor also said that Meredith can start eating table food as long as it is closely supervised, don't want her getting choked.

Thank you Mary for recommending this doctor, it might be a little bit out of our way but it is well worth the drive.

Now to today's events. We first made a stop at the Probate Court office, our court date is this Thursday to legally change Meredith's name. We submitted all our documents and paid the court cost, all I have to do is show up Thursday and appear in front of the judge and Meredith will have her new name. I've just found out that this is step one of nine that I have to go through before this who process is done. Once we get the name change order I can apply for a KY birth certificate and SS #. One day we will tell Meredith all about this long journey we have been on the past year.

After our stop at the Hall of Justice today we headed down to Kosair's Children's Hospital for the dreaded lab work. I'm no sure who dreaded it more, Meredith or me!!!!
We waited for about an hour and then it was our turn, I'm so glad that Todd went with me, I had to leave the room I was crying so hard and so was Meredith. They had to stick her in both arms to draw 5 vials, yes 5 vials of blood. It took the nurses about 10 minutes to get all they needed, they said that Meredith has deep veins.

It took a few minutes to get Meredith calmed down once we left the lab, but she finally relaxed when she say we were headed to McDonald's!!!!
Her daddy said that after all that trauma she deserved a Happy Meal and Ice Cream Sundae!
So Meredith ate pieces of her chicken McNuggets and a few bites of my Sundae and the whole ordeal was forgotten, for Meredith anyway. The way she was screaming today took me back to April 13th in Guatemala City when they dropped her off at the hotel. She screamed the same way that night and it breaks your heart to hear her like that.

But all is better now, she just got out of the tub and I think her and Todd are watching Veggie Tales or something.

I'm so glad that today's trip is OVER!!!


Anonymous said…
Glad to hear that you have found a new doc for Meredith. I hope this will work out better for her. Bless her heart, I can't stand that they are poking and prodding on our baby. I know it has to be done. Give her a kiss from me.
Aunt Lib

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