Hey everyone,
We don't have much to report this week. We were told we could be submitted for DNA authorization this week and possibly family court next week. We hope to know more next week. We did not received the medical update this week either, another hope for next week.

We need to pray for Kim and Jay they flew to Guatemala today to meet their little boy Alex. I hope to see some pictures later tonight. Thanks again Kim for taking those clothes to Meredith.
I wish you could see her for us, but we know that won't happen.

This week was also the beginning of my Archivers training, the store is opening on Sept 22 and we begin moving into the store this Thursday. Exciting!!!!

Look at this picture. What am I doing? Just bored and taking pictures????

NOOOOOOOO guess again, oh ok one more hint.

Yes that's right Todd and I are planning a visit to see the munchkin.
And no one make fun of my homemade countdown!!!!!
I guess I should explain how the visit process works. Our agency recommends that we wait for DNA testing to be completed and results returned. We are pretty sure that the results will be back way before our departure date. We let our agency know we are going they cordinate our arrive with our attorney down there and she cordinates with the foster mom. They (attorney and Foster mom) will bring Meredith to the hotel we are staying at and drop her off. Most of the time the Foster mom's don't bring anything to leave with Meredith so we have to pack EVERYTHING. So I've started buying a couple things a week so I won't be overwhelmed later on. We also plan on taking a suitcase of just "stuff" to leave down there for her. Meredith stays with us the entire time we are in Guatemala. They come back and pick her up just before we leave for the airport. YES I know this will be the hardest thing I've ever done, but I have to. It will make it easier when she comes into the country.


CreekerMom said…
Veronica and Todd I am just SOOO excited that the 2 of you are getting to go and see Meredith!
I simply love your count down it is made with a lot of LOVE! Very creative!!!

Praying for everything to have God's blessing and perfect timing so that all will be set when you need to go down to visit.

Anonymous said…
I am so excited to hear that you all are going to be able to visit Meredith. How exciting!!! I know it will help you to feel more bonded to her, and I also know it will be hard to come back and leave her there, but you will have special memories to bring back to KY. Can't wait for Meredith to become a full-fledged Kentuckian. Hopefully things will start to move much faster now.

My prayers are with you and Todd as you make this journey.

God Bless,
Aunt Lib

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