Forever Family Day

We celebrated Forever Family Day yesterday by going the Newport Aquarium. Meredith Loved it!!!! I was afraid she would get scared with the sharks and fish swimming over and under us, but she was amazed. After the Aquarium we went back to Florence Y'all to eat at Noodles and Company. I saw it on an episode of Unwrapped on the Food Network. It was really good especially for someone like me who LOVES NOODLES!!!!

After lunch we went to the Florence Mall to Build a Bear, Meredith's other favorite. She made a pink pony that she said it reminds her of a "My Little Pony" that Papaw bought for her.

Todd and I also finished painting the upstairs bathroom one more thing we can cross of our very long to do list before we can put our house up for sale. The last major project is to put the "shoe" molding in the three bedrooms and to finish my kitchen floor.

Here are some pics from yesterday.

OOK at that frog.

This is so fun!!

Making Fishy face.

Mommy I so excited.

I think every Mall should have one of theses!!!!!


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