Well how has everyone been doing? We are great. Still waiting on our house to get fixed, but we are chugging right along. Todd and I ripped up another room of carpet over the weekend so we now have zero wall to wall carpet upstairs. And I must say the rooms look bigger!!!

We can also tell that Meredith is not coughing or her nose running as much either now that the carpet is gone.
The big huge pine tree in the back yard is coming down next week before it falls on anyone so that will be nice.
We still don't know if the insurance company is going to replace our roof or just repair the hole, sure would be nice to know something!!!!

Meredith is doing great! She is talking so much and she puts facial expression with some of the things she says that make it so cute. We are doing 2 allergy shots a week now and I think they are working. Today is Friday so she will come up talking about Tumblebus, she loves that bus.

Here are a couple of pictures of Meredith from this weekend.


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