Wow today was Meredith's 2nd birthday, I can't believe how big she is getting. I think I should appolgize to all my blog followers for not keeping this up as I should I will try to do better from now on. Meredith is doing great!!! She is talking and running around everywhere these days. She love her pre-school and playing with all her little friends there. I have included some pictures from today's party.


keelstar said…
Happy Birthday Meredith!!! Being 2 years old is so much fun! Love, Savannah
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday big girl! My how big you are getting. Wish we could have shared your birthday with you. Hope to see you soon.

Love you very much,
Uncle Chester & Aunt Lib
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Meredith! You are a very beautiful little girl.

Love The Humphrey Family
Creekermom said…
WOW Veronica, it seems like yesterday you brought her home. :)

Happy Belated Birthday Meredith!
May you be blessed with 100 more!

sowing9seeds said…
Hey Todd, Veronica & Meredith!

I was just checking in on you guys and am surprised that Meredith is 2 now! You all look great and Meredith is just adorable. I pray all is well with your family. We're all fine here - just trying to stay cool here in SC!

Roxanne for The Mann Family

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