The call finally came, I have been waiting for this call for 3 weeks now. But being a new company there were a lot of details that had to be ironed out before they could offically hire new employees.

I'm very excited about my new job, even though it is a lot like the current one I have. Plus they have tuition reimburstment so I can finish up my MBA without having to pay for it, YIIPPEE

Plus we are looking into purchasing another vehicle. So anyone that has recommendations please post a comment. I'm looking at possible a Mini Van or Mid size sedan.
Anyone own a Kia Sedona?


Kim said…
Congrats on the new job!!

I have a 1999 Chrysler 300 and I LOVE my car. It's very roomy - has a trunck that can fit a couple bodies - I mean a large stroller and a pack n play. ;) We are also thinking about getting a new vehicle in the next 3-5 years. I'm looking at the Chrysler Pacificas. I love this car - a little out of our price range right now, but I'm hoping that in a couple of years, the used models come down in price.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on the new job!! That is wonderful news. I'm very proud of you. Hopefully you can get back to school now.

My neighbor has a Honda mini van and they love it with their two kids. Very easy to load them in and out and roomy.

Aunt Lib
keelstar said…
Congratulations Veronica! This is very exciting news! I hope that your new job is everything you're wanting it to be! We have the Honda Odyssey minivan and we love it!! I wouldn't drive anything else now that we have one! Blessings, Keely & Savannah
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the job!

As for a KIA, stay away! Chris was a mechanic at KIA and he does not recommend them. I'm agreeing with the Honda drivers or a Toyota.

Have Fun!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on the new job!!! I have a Honda Odyssey and I couldn't say enough awesome things about it. I love it to pieces. Makes hauling 5 children to dr visits, ballet, soccer, school, church, chorus, girl scouts, gymnastics, & piano and band actually FUN! :)
Anonymous said…
Yeah for you! Get out of the 'O'! Our choices were the Toyota or Honda minivan. We ended up with the Toyota and love it!
Robin Geoppinger

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