New information about Meredith

Good Labor Day everyone. Well summer is almost over and I must say that this summer has moved very quickly. I guess we have been pretty pre-occupied this year, I wonder with what???

One of my new friends that is also using our agency made a visit trip to Guatemala this weekend to see her son. In an effort to obtain information about Meredith and another families little guy, she asked our attorney if they would bring the babies over to the hotel for her to meet them and take pictures. And by a sheer miracle they granted her request. She spent over an hour with Meredith and Anthony plus their foster moms. She conducted mini interview with each foster mom to obtain information about our babies.
Here is what she found out about Meredith:
"She is beautiful Veronica. I held her and took lots of pictures with her. I got pics of all of the babies with each other...and with the foster mom and with me of course. Meredith was dressed so cute in one of the outfits that you sent down. Meredith was very calm, didn't cry much at all and her foster mom said that is typical. The fm name is marina and the foster dad is jose pedro. She was a little angel...she smiled at me.....and i was kissing her when they took pics. I asked questions of her fm too and she said that meredith absolutely loves to take a bath...she just loves water. She is a very happy baby. She weighs 11 lbs. and 8 oz.. The fm wanted me to tell you that she loves meredith very much.. She treats her like her own. She is just very sweet and i can tell that she loves meredith and vice versa. Meredith sleeps on her side....doesn't like many blankets. She is warm natured. She sleeps very well at night and just smiles all of the time. They are looking very forward to meeting you and send their love. They want you to know that she is taken care of very well and that they will keep her safe."

Also the foster mom brought back 2 of the disposable cameras we mailed down. Rebecca is going to mail those to us when she gets back on Tuesday. She also will email me the pictures she took during her visit.

We are so grateful to Rebecca for working out this meeting and getting us the wonderful information. We now know more about Meredith and it is great!!!!

I'll post pictures as soon as I get them.


CreekerMom said…
I have been praying for some news and this is awesome news!
I too can't wait to 'see' pictures of Meredith.
Sounds like she is getting a lot of love and is very healthy.
What a blessing for the FM too to love/nurture her as her own and take care of her till she is able to come home to you and Todd.
I am praying for things to continue to go in a speedy direction with no delay so she will be home with the two of you as soon as possible.


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